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What is the Common App?

October 1, 2024 | Courtney Russell

By: Heather Chase, associate director of admission at Miami University

Thinking about your future in college can be exciting and fun, but it can also be overwhelming to know where to start. After researching schools and taking a few campus  tours, a great place to begin is by applying to schools through the Common Application.

The Common App is a standardized college application portal used by Miami University and over 1,000 other colleges. The Common App site can help you match with universities that align with your interests and needs, covering everything from financial aid to scholarships.

How to Apply Using Common App

Create Your Profile

Start by visiting the Common App website, where you’ll create an account. Then, build your first-year student* Common App Profile. Your profile serves as the base of all of your college applications. You’ll answer general questions about where you live, what high school you attend, activities you’re involved with outside of school, academic honors you’ve earned, etc. While you know the answers to most of the questions, the Common App recommends gathering the items below: 

  • A copy of your high school transcript.
  • A list of your activities, work, and family responsibilities.
  • ACT or SAT test scores and test dates. (Miami is a test optional for admission and scholarships for fall 2025 admission.)
  • Parent/legal guardian information.
  • Academic honors and achievements (honor roll, sports achievements, extracurricular excellence).

*Even if you have college credits from high school, you should start by creating a first-year student profile. If you have attended one or more colleges after graduating high school, select the transfer student profile. 

Note: It’s best to use an email address that you can access after you graduate from high school. Many schools deactivate student email addresses after graduation!

Add Miami University to Your Common App List

Next, add Miami University to your list of schools under the My Colleges tab. Once you’ve done that, you’ll see detailed information about Miami, including its size, admission criteria, location, academic programs, and much more.

Complete Your Application

Once you indicate you’d like to send your Common App to Miami, you’ll be prompted to answer questions specific to Miami. We’ll ask what you plan to study (alongside a list of our undergraduate majors), whether you’d like to be considered for our Honors College, and if you’d like us to use any of your standardized test scores when we review your application materials. We also ask if you have any family members who have attended (or are currently attending) Miami. 

Once you’ve completed the general Common App and Miami-specific questions, you’re ready to submit your application! We can’t wait to read through your application materials, and learn all about the special qualities you would bring to Miami. 

The day after you submit your application, Miami will send you an email with login information for your Applicant Status Page. That’s where you’ll be able to see your application checklist, make sure you have everything in by our application deadline, and eventually view your Miami admission decision. 

The Common App is built to make it as easy as possible for you to apply to multiple colleges and universities seamlessly. I hope you’ll add Miami to your list today!